Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Time I Decided to Start a Blog

So here it first blog post.  I finally decided to join the millions of other bloggers.  When I told my husband I was going to blog, he was all for it.

What's it going to be called?

I'm the Jello.

Why are you the Jello?

Because I feel like if I lived in the dessert world, I would be the Jello.  Nothing fancy, just plain, yummy jello.  And who doesn't like Jello?  Anyone that doesn't can suck it, cuz I don't want to be friends with them!

But I don't think your plain....

That's about how that conversation went down.  Now, I don't want anyone to think that the title of this blog means I'm some deep philosophical person.  I just have found that in my daily life I deal with a bunch of other women-moms ect.-who are more put together than myself.  They have manicured nails, have time (and actually know how) to do their hair, have designer purses and actual outfits.  I'm more of a jeans and T-shirt kinda gal. For that (as well as many other) reason....I feel like I'm the Jello.  But more on that later.

I may as well introduce myself.  My name is Jaymie and I'm a mom.  For those of you that have kids, you will understand.  Those of you that don't....will as you read.  Our home consists of myself and my husband-Jim and our three beautiful (and goofy) children. Alex is 6, Katie is 3 and little Vivi is about 9 months.  We live in the suburbs of Chicago, but I come from farm country in central Illinois.

We look pretty good, huh?  This happens about 5 times a year-at major holidays and family pictures.  I figured may as well start with a pic where everyone is clean and in matching clothes.  More realistic pictures will follow, I assure you.

While I would love to tell you excatly what this blog is about, I just can't narrow it down to one thing.  I love so many things that I'm just going to have to include it all.  I love to be with my family, read, watch movies, bake delicious treats, go on adventures, solve mysteries, make everything from scratch, do super-nerdy things, laugh, play and make our lives as fun as possible.  By the way, not all of those things are entirely true. I'll let you figure them out as we go along.  I also have a huge fear of the zombie apocalypse.  This is true and the people who know this both love and take advantage of this fact.  I'm also an incredibly imperfect wife/mother/housekeeper ect. and I have a horrible habit of being sarcastic and saying innapropriate things.  And I ramble.  A lot. 

All in all, I just plan on sharing my life with whomever choses to read.  Hopefully you will find it as amusing as I do.......

1 comment:

  1. Girl, if you're jello you're the kind with pineapple in it... or cherries! But actually you don't like it when food touches so I don't know if that counts. But haha! I'm your first comment... you know what that means...

